Become a Sponsor
Golf Tournament
The Bluffton Bobcats Marching Band is pleased to host its 8th annual GOLF TOURNAMENT and you and your business have the opportunity to show the community you support the Bobcat Band by becoming a sponsor. Bluffton Band Boosters is a 501c3 organization and your sponsorship is tax deductible.
All Sponsors will be featured in our Golf Tournament Itinerary Program
Sponsors need to register by January 14th to be included in print materials and banners.
Your business name printed on a tee sign or a green sign
Your business name printed on a tee sign or a green sign and logo with business link on the website
Your business name printed on the banner, logo with business link on the website, a tee sign, and 1 foursome at the tournament
Your business logo prominently displayed on the tournament banner along with putting green signage or the driving range signage, logo with business link on the website, and 1 foursome at the tournament
To pay you will be directed to the PayPal login screen. Click on the grey button “Pay with Debit or Credit Card” to bypass PayPal if you don’t wish to use PayPal.